Required readings for E&ES 199 for the midterm

The textbook chapters 1,2 ,3 , 5, 6, 7, 8 and 20-21-22 and the linked readings from the syllabus page. Please check those regularly because I often update them after a lecture to emphasize something etc.

There is required reading on-line at
the password is e-es199

The website stories on Earth Science in the weblinks page of the class web site.

Chapters in Consequences (use weblinks):

Population Policy, Volume 2, Number 2 (1996)

Global and U.S. National Population Trends Volume 1, Number 2 (Summer 1995)

And most important: read your class notebooks

A nice book to read through is "The Ecology of Deep Sea hydrothermal vents" by Cindy van Dover

Another good book if you are interested in Energy issues is  " Hubberts peak, by Deffeyes (Princeton Univ. press, see for a description (we do not yet have it in the library)